Implementation of the Talend ESB service bus into the project's IT architecture

Implementation of the Talend ESB service bus into the project's IT architecture

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A major retailer, one of the leading suppliers of medicines and medical products in Russia.


The client wanted to enter the retail segment, but this required a large number of integrations. The current servers could not cope with the increasing load; it was necessary to unload the site and make it more resilient.


To unload the site and simplify integrations, it was decided to introduce an ESB service bus. At the beginning of development, we looked at two platforms — Talend ESB and Red Hat Fuse. In accordance with the customer's requirements and objectives, the Talend tire was chosen. With Talend ESB, we were able to reduce the time required to integrate Pimcore and marketplaces with the website, 1C and the radar directory.

Also, to expand the functionality and control the operation of Talend ESB, the following were installed:

  • Apache Kafka message broker;

  • Checkmk monitoring system;

  • ELK logging system.

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