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We implement IT projects on a turn-key basis. We provide IT teams that reach business results

Development areas

In development and
managementwe rely on best practices

We study the experience of major companies and make researches in project management and development. We test the knowledge gained in our projects and processes. Our goal is to make development as transparent and alienable as possible, from high-profile developers and teams including KT.Team.

Часто делаем быстрее и дешевле оговоренных показателей

Наша цель – обеспечить вас ПО, максимально независимым от разработчика

Нам доверяют

Risk-free approach

We ensure risk-free results

We are confident in our approach.
Если вы останетесь недовольны результатом, можете не подписывать акт и не оплачивать работы.

Discuss the project

Чем конкретно мы можем вам помочь

  • Стратегическое управление IT
  • Решение бизнес-задач самоуправляемыми командами с менеджментом “под ключ”
  • Проведение предпроектного исследования: анализ целей, путей реализации, прогнозируемой стоимости и сроков 
  • Внедрение конкретных продуктов и технологий под ключ

Обсудить проект


We share experience
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We write articles for our blog and for specialized publications

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How much does an IT system actually cost and why development is just the tip of the iceberg

How much does an IT system actually cost and why development is just the tip of the iceberg

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Comparison of PIM systems that are popular on the Russian market v.2024

Comparison of PIM systems that are popular on the Russian market v.2024

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What prevents the introduction of AI assistants?

What prevents the introduction of AI assistants?

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