Akeneo PIM integration into The Store's online store infrastructure

Akeneo PIM integration into The Store's online store infrastructure
5 minutes

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The Store is an American company that restores and then sells certified electronics.

The client aimed to create a multilingual marketplace. It was necessary to solve the problem of managing and maintaining large catalogs with millions of SKUs, as well as to realize the ability to aggregate suppliers.


We proposed to pack all the complex logic of uploading feeds and interacting with suppliers into Akeneo CE PIM.

Functionality and interface

We have improved the Akeneo PIM interface and functionality to meet the customer's requirements.

We have automated the process of managing goods, currently there are 30,263 products in the system. PIM integration made it possible to synchronize the entire array of product data in one system by category and group for ease of use and processing.

rus: Akeneo PIM Функционал и интерфейс

Custom ERP integration

Taking into account the peculiarities of the customer's document management and pricing, integration was carried out with a custom ERP system that allows taking into account all rules, allowances, discounts and penalties.
Akeneo PIM has also been integrated with Magento and Vue Storefront.

rus: Akeneo PIM Интеграция с кастомной ERP

Working with suppliers

Since the project was aimed at working with suppliers, we made it possible to upload products to the site from various sources. The supplier works in a personal account on a website that is linked to the Akeneo PIM interface via the API.

Direct product download

We introduced the ability to upload products to the showcase directly from Akeneo PIM, without spending time synchronizing the site with the PIM system. The solution was designed using the front of the PWA website, which linked data between Magento and Akeneo.

The need to load goods was directly due to the requirement to work effectively with large catalogs designed for hundreds of millions of SKUs.

rus: Akeneo PIM Прямая загрузка товаров

PXM system integration

Since the marketplace will be used by customers from different countries, it is necessary to adapt and enrich the attributes, content and content of the product in accordance with the region, language and cultural norms. To meet these requirements, we integrated PXM system.

rus: Akeneo PIM Интеграция PXM-системы

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