Accelerate innovation with the Mendix low-code platform -

Accelerate innovation with Mendix

Accelerate innovation with Mendix

Mendix is a universal low-code platform for developing corporate applications and automating business processes. It allows users without programming skills to quickly create an MVP, implement and test it, getting business results in a short time.

Mendix platform features


Integrated development environment (IDE)

Learn more about the features of the Mendix low-code platform -
Mendix Low-Code Integrated Development Environment (IDE) -

The platform allows you to control the application development process and synchronize it between business analysts using Mendix Studio (no-code) and developers using Mendix Studio Pro (low-code).
Built-in collaboration tools ensure effective communication between business and IT infrastructure and enable users with different levels of technical training to take part in development.


Flexibility and scalability

Learn more about the features of the Mendix low-code platform -
The flexibility and scalability of the Mendix low-code platform -

The application architecture is created in the form of nano- and microstreams that make it easy and visual to add complex business logic to the processes in the application without writing code.
Integrations are carried out using REST, SOAP, OData, web and other services. Mendix apps out of the box — containerized, portable, and scalable to any size without redesigning.


Accelerating MVP development

Learn more about the features of the Mendix low-code platform -
Accelerated MVP development using the Mendix low-code platform -

The visual development environment and the ability to reuse components make it possible to speed up the process of creating applications and testing new ideas.
Deployment in public, private, hybrid cloud and local environments is just a click away — using LowOps technology.


Data security

Learn more about the features of the Mendix low-code platform -
Ensuring data security in the Mendix low-code platform -

You can create roles for groups of users — each role determines the level of access to all assets in the component, including data. Detail database and information security restrictions down to the attribute level for specific objects.
Failover, instant backup, and restore are included in the box by default.

Benefits of developing apps on Mendix

Visual development environment

and the ability to reuse components.

Individual IDE,

allowing people with different levels of technical training to participate in development.

Effective communication

between business and IT infrastructure helps create MVP faster.

Decrease in the code base

Integrate with any third-party database without a single line of code and deploy applications in one click using LowOps technology.

Industry solutions on Mendix

Implementation of the Mendix low-code platform in the public sector -

Public sector

Smart Office is Dubai's unified public services portal, which is visited by 1.5 million people a month.


Digitalization of services

Dubai Municipality digitized more than 250 types of services in just 3 months, integrating services and mechanisms used by 36 departments and more than 13,000 municipal employees.

Introduction of the Mendix low-code platform into production -


Continental AG is a global leader in automotive technology with more than 240,000 employees.


Request processing time has been reduced to a few minutes

The implementation of Mendix made it possible to manage the process of approving and deleting capital expenditure requests, formulating a workflow for a budget request, appointing approvers depending on the nature of the request, and reducing the processing time for a budget request from a few hours to a few minutes. This tool was created in record time — 12 weeks instead of 1 year.

Implementing the Mendix low-code platform in education -


North Carolina State University's REPORTER system processes more than 500,000 course applications every year.


Reducing development time by 10 times

The REPORTER system automated the registration process for educational courses, as well as the billing process, using a PCI DSS compliant solution. The system was created by trainee students in 6 months, although the development of the previously planned Java application was tentatively estimated at $5 million and was supposed to take 3 to 5 years.

Implementation of the Mendix low-code platform in the event industry -

Event industry

Solomon Group is a production company specializing in organizing large events.


Keeping statistics for business optimization

Sensors on optical turnstiles transmit data to the application, allowing event organizers to see the dynamics of the number of visitors and available space in real time.
The app also helps you determine how many people attended the event, what time they left, what entrances and exits they used, and shows you the most popular event venue at any given time.

ESB system cases

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