Managing integrations with the WSO2-based middleware layer -

Managed integrations with WSO2 ESB

Managed integrations with WSO2 ESB

WSO2 ESB is an enterprise service bus that allows developers to quickly integrate services and applications. WSO2 ESB can be deployed in several ways: locally, cloud-based, or hybrid.

WSO2 ESB features


Routing and data conversion

Learn more about WSO2 ESB features -
Routing and data conversion in WSO2 ESB -

- Routing data based on message headers and content in accordance with specified rules and priorities.
- Availability of enterprise integration templates (EIP), integration with databases and event streams.
- Message conversion with XSLT 1.0/2.0, XPath, XQuery, and Smooks.
- Visual display of data using a graphic studio.
- Data conversion connectors for CSV, JSON, XML, etc.


Creating and integrating services

Learn more about WSO2 ESB features -
Creating and integrating services into WSO2 ESB -

- Support for HTTP, HTTPS, WebSocket, POP, IMAP, SMTP, etc.
- Data formats: JSON, XML, SOAP, EDIFACT, FHIR, ISO 8583, FIX.
- WSO2 ESB has built-in adapters: SAP, IBM MQ, Oracle AQ, MSMQ, Microsoft 365.
- Creating an API with Swagger.


Connecting databases

Learn more about WSO2 ESB features -
Connecting databases to WSO2 ESB -

- WSO2 ESB supports RDBMS, CSV, Excel, ODS, Apache Cassandra, and Google spreadsheets.
- Works with the OData V4 protocol for any RDBMS and Apache Cassandra data sources.
- Supports Microsoft SQL, Db2, Oracle, OpenEdge, Teradata, MySQL, PostgreSQL/EnterpriseDB, H2, Apache Derby, and any database with a JDBC driver
- Supports subqueries to data sources.
- Configuration is based on XML.


Monitoring and end-to-end tracking

Learn more about WSO2 ESB features -
Monitoring and end-to-end tracking in WSO2 ESB -

- Monitoring integration based on Prometheus, Grafana, Jaeger and Fluent Bit.
- Centralized logging with ELK.
- Built-in collection and monitoring of statistics, standard access and performance information for all types of artifacts.
- Support for integration with corporate registration systems.

The advantages of the WSO2 ESB as a service bus


Easy to integrate

The WSO2 ESB service bus makes it easy to integrate any component framework. Thanks to support for Java extensions and a variety of scenarios, you no longer need to write additional code for any integrations.


High deployment speed

WSO2 ESB has ready-made scripts and tools that help in quickly deploying the system on a project — there is no need to involve additional developers.


Separating business logic and message nuances

WSO2 ESB has the ability to separate business logic from the nuances of protocols and message formats. This allows services and applications not to waste time defining formats, but to get them up and running right away.



The clustering of the WSO2 ESB enterprise service bus provides the possibility of horizontal and vertical scaling, which helps to increase the resiliency of the project even under sudden load.

ESB system implementation cases

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System integration calculator (ESB)

System Integration Project (ESB) Calculator

How many streams will the systems send
Example: The “Product Management System” will send product data. “Order Management System” — about orders. “Warehouse management system” — about the status of the shipment. This is 3 streams.
Example: The “Product Management System” will send product data. “Order Management System” — about orders. “Warehouse management system” — about the status of the shipment. This is 3 streams.
How many streams will the system receive
Example: The “Warehouse Management System” will receive data on goods and orders. “Order Management System” — about goods and shipment status. This is 4 streams.
Example: The “Warehouse Management System” will receive data on goods and orders. “Order Management System” — about goods and shipment status. This is 4 streams.
The calculator calculates using an accurate but simplified formula. The scope of work for your project and the final cost may vary. The final calculation will be made by your personal manager.


Calculation example

Learn more about Mule ESB features —
Creating and hosting services on Mule ESB —

To transfer data between systems, we create a “stream”. Some streams are needed to send data, while others are needed to receive data. Orders, goods, or other entities may be transferred in a separate stream.

For example, on the diagram:
1. The “Merchandise Management System” sends goods. “Warehouse management system” is the fact that an order has been shipped. “Order Management System” — orders. In total, the systems will send 3 streams;

2. The Warehouse Management System accepts goods and orders. “Order management system” — goods and the fact that the order has been shipped. In total, the systems will receive 4 streams.


Scope of work in the calculator

Learn more about Mule ESB features —

Included in the calculation


Preparing a map of systems and data flows (SOA scheme)

Preparing the infrastructure for connectors to operate

Development of object logic (connector business process diagram)

Setting up a monitoring and logging loop

Creating connectors for exchanging data for each stream on 3 stands (test, preprod, prod)

Creating connectors (storage - receiver) for exchanging data on each high-load stream (>100 messages per minute) on 3 stands (test, preprod, prod)

Set up to three dashboards per connector within a ready-made monitoring circuit

Over 15 attributes per stream

Documentation on copying integration, reusing, and maintaining

Demonstration of the implemented functionality

Included into account

Preparing a map of systems and data flows (SOA scheme)

Development of object logic (connector business process diagram)

Creating connectors (source - storage, storage - receiver) for exchanging data on each object on 3 stands (test, preprod, prod)

Set up to three dashboards per connector within a ready-made monitoring circuit

Over 15 attributes per object


Preparing the infrastructure for connectors to operate

Setting up a monitoring and logging loop

Creating connectors (storage - receiver) for exchanging data on each high-load object (>100 messages per minute) on 3 stands (test, preprod, prod)

Over 15 attributes per object

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