Progressive Web Applications (PWA) Development |

Progressive Web Applications

Progressive Web Applications

Progressive Web Apps is a browser-based mobile app that does not require additional installation. When a user opens your site, he can already see the app's interface.

Possible problems in the absence of a PWA


Slow loading

When generating your page, SQL, CMS are used and a million libraries are loaded, because this is what “historically happened”. You already have 3 levels of caching, but loading is still slow.


Difficulty in making changes

All buttons on the site are based on the logic of the CMS box, which does not involve separating the front- and back-end. Marketers want changes today, but in fact it takes a very long time to update the site's content.


Conversion issues

A user can leave the site at any stage of the interaction, simply because they took the subway or accidentally closed the page. You don't have the tools to get him back to the session, and you're losing customers at every funnel level.

PWA as an alternative to the mobile app

Increases conversions

The PWA site is displayed as an icon on the phone. This encourages users to visit the resource more often, spend more time on it, improve their user experience and, as a result, increases conversions at all stages of user interaction. You can send notifications to remind you of an interrupted session.


PWA does not require separate development for each operating system. It doesn't matter at all what kind of smartphone the user has: Apple or Android, the application will work regardless of the environment.

Works offline

This is very convenient. The user can browse through their favorite store, put the desired item in the “Cart”, and send the order while he is on the subway. Thanks to PWA, the site is already on the user's phone with the entire product catalog. Unlike the mobile app, PWA does not require updates or free memory on the device.

Saves resources

There is no need to waste time looking for an additional team to develop a mobile application. We use the current PWA website design that adapts to any mobile device.

PWA benefits


It is located through search engines

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PWA can be found through search engines |

More than half of users start their journey to buy or order a service by searching. PWA provides server-side rendering for robots and legacy devices. Thanks to the excellent behavioral metrics in PWA, PWA sites rank at the top of the rankings, all other things being equal.


App-like interface

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PWA has an app-like interface |

All the advantages of the mobile app are on your website. From the conveyor line management interface and the information kiosk to the front of the online store. One stack, one budget, quick edits and no dependence on official app stores.


Loads fast

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The PWA core weighs less than a website or native app. After the first PWA load, the rest of the pages will load in 0.1 seconds (plus the time to load images): instant updates of catalog filters, reactivity by residues, etc.


Front is separated from back

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PWA front is separated from back |

Redesign your complex project in 2.5 weeks? Now it's real, and when we meet, we'll show you about it on case studies!


Resistant to high loads

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PWA works stably even under high loads |

It consistently accepts and processes orders even during periods of overload, regardless of the bandwidth of your CMS/OMS systems, thanks to a complex system for dispatching important events (for example, creating an order).

Industry solutions

Using PWA in e-commerce |




Fast catalog download

The site lands on the phone's home screen like a native app. Fast catalog download. The interface adapts to mobile devices, desktops, and terminals in trading rooms. It works smoothly with an unstable network.

With the introduction of PWA, Lancôme increased conversions by 17%.

The use of PWA in the B2B segment |




PWA applications for purchases and sales

PWA simplifies the procurement process in the B2B sector and reduces sales/customer service costs. It's easier to load recurring categories. There are no problems with deferred payments.

Using PWA in media |




User friendly interface for all devices

Fast loading of large amounts of information: articles, reviews, videos. Easy content navigation. A convenient interface for viewing on mobile devices and desktops. Push notifications about new posts.
With the introduction of PWA, Forbes magazine increased the session duration by 40%!

PWA application in entertainment |




Fast loading increases session duration

User engagement is higher than on a mobile site. The user spends more time on PWA and views more pages.
PWA allowed Pinterest to increase user activity by 60%.

Using PWA for services |




Installation via the app store

For example, calling a taxi, delivering food, selling tickets, travel services, logistics. Fast downloads even on slow internet. It is located through search engines and does not require installation through the Play Market. The key features of the native app have been retained.
The Uber app with a PWA solution has become weigh only 50 KB, which made it possible to download even with a 2G connection.

PWA and mobile application development cases

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