Improve data quality and increase business sales

Together with Pimcore experts, you will increase the attractiveness of the product for the customer, influence the buyer's choice of goods and strengthen your market position
Implementation of PIM systems |

What will you come up with after implementation?

Our clients' results

Acceleration adding products to the catalog 400%
Expansion product range 150%
Search for products and their analogues for 5 seconds
Reducing time media search from 16 hours to 1 minute
Withdrawal of products from the range to minutes

How our clients help their customers.

More wide and relevant assortment commodities
Complete and accurate information about all products, including new products
Easy goods and their analogues choice
Reducing time to clarify and wait for information about goods allows you to obtain quickly the data you need to make purchase decisions
Increased trust to the brand. Satisfaction that the selected item will be delivered without delay

You'll forget about

the difficulties of scaling the company's business and brand
low quality and irrelevant data in systems
disparate data in accounting systems
KT.Team founder — Andrey Putin

“For three years, we were Pimcore's only strategic partner in Russia, which allowed us to create our own PimcoreExpertHub.
As a leader in Pimcore implementations in the CIS, we guarantee you that from the project evaluation stage to its support, a team of Pimcore experts will work with you to help you take into account the specifics of your business and create an effective IT solution.”

We`ll show examples of the cases in your industry
We will demonstrate how to work at Pimcore on your real data
We will prepare a preliminary calculation project with budget and deadlines
We'll tell you how to count payback project and what to look at

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Ready-made retail solution

Speed up the process of publishing data to market by processing and distributing content in bulk


Faster to market

Learn more about Pimcore's PIM, DAM, MDM capabilities -
Due to the functions of the PIM system:
Data upload (bulk)
Logic for generating calculated attributes
Searching for data

Reduce multi-step checks and accelerate product launches. Use attribute templates to instantly update product information, responding more quickly to trends.


Expanding the range

Learn more about Pimcore's PIM, DAM, MDM capabilities -
Due to the functions of the PIM system:
Bulk data import
Related attributes
Standardization and templating
Automating the creation of new products

Maximize profits by closing product gaps. Quickly introduce new and trending products, ahead of the competiton.


The direct route from retailer to customer

Learn more about Pimcore's PIM, DAM, MDM capabilities -
Due to the functions of the PIM system:
Limit available data actions by role
Data classification and categorization
Parallel approval of product cards for different sales channels

Streamline business processes and make it easy to prepare your product range for sale online.


Increased ROI

Learn more about Pimcore's PIM, DAM, MDM capabilities -
Due to the functions of the PIM system:
Mass data change
Data upload (bulk)
Integrations with external systems
Generating reports
Publication of goods on marketplaces
Transferring historical data from someone else's context to Pimcore
Ready-made interfaces for integration (GraphQL)

Focus on enriching content to increase conversions and customer satisfaction without increasing costs

They trust us

Ready-made production solution

Get more control without adding more work


Accelerating the product cycle

Learn more about Pimcore's PIM, DAM, MDM capabilities -
Due to the functions of the PIM system:
Searching for data
Data upload (bulk)
Logic for generating calculated attributes

From idea to market in record time. Speed up your product cycle and marketing activities.


Speeding up the creation of product cards

Learn more about Pimcore's PIM, DAM, MDM capabilities -
Due to the functions of the PIM system:
Bulk data import
Related attributes
Standardization and templating
Wide opportunities to automate the creation of new products

Automate the aggregation and enrichment of product data along the entire chain from article to name. Increase the speed and accuracy of product launches to market.


PIM as a data center

Learn more about Pimcore's PIM, DAM, MDM capabilities -
Due to the functions of the PIM system:
Limit available data actions by role
Data classification/Categorization
Parallel approval of product cards for different sales channels

Streamline business processes and make it easy to prepare your product range for sale online.


Data consistency

Learn more about Pimcore's PIM, DAM, MDM capabilities -
Due to the functions of the PIM system:
Mass data change
Data upload (bulk)
Integrations with external systems
Generating reports
Publication of goods on marketplaces
Transferring historical data from someone else's context to Pimcore
Ready-made interfaces for integration (GraphQL)

Ensure the unity of information across all channels. Manage data to avoid customer confusion and lost sales.

How we helped Ascona, a major manufacturer, ensure business growth through an updated IT infrastructure

Learn more

A ready-made solution for system integration

Integrate accounting systems using the ESB approach and

Data Lake

Reduce system load, eliminate data loss during exchange


Our customers

Sign up for a free system design with a Pimcore expert

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We will show examples of cases from your industry
We will demonstrate how Pimcore works on your real data
We will prepare a preliminary calculation of the project with the budget and deadlines
We will tell you how to calculate the return on a project and what to look at

What do customers say?

Дмитрий Савельев
Советник Правления по цифровому развитию

Группа компаний Музторг успешно сотрудничает с командой KT.Team уже более двух лет. При работе над проектами нам очень помогает высокий профессионализм наших партнеров, умение сочетать четкую организацию проектной работы с минимизацией формальных ограничений. Отдельно хотел бы отметить доброжелательность и открытость сотрудников KT.Team. Выражаю благодарность за плодотворное сотрудничество.

Мистулов Андрей Борисович
Директор по веб-разработке и проектному управлению
Inventive Retail Group

От лица Inventive Retail Group выражаю огромную благодарность команде KT.Team за плодотворное сотрудничество в рамках реализации нового амбициозного проекта. Хотели бы отметить высокую вовлеченность на всех этапах его реализации, профессионализм и личные качества всех задействованных в проекте сотрудников.

Eric Duboille
Directeur Expertise E-Commerce, FM France SAS
FM Logistic

We came to KT.Team with a request to set up a platform to easily connect clients, carriers and WMS in FM Logistic France. The result was successively achieved. The work on project went well, and by now we have onboarded on a new platform a big client — it’s great result! I’d like to especially note very good reactivity and professionalism of the project managers, devs and ops who always help us. We look forward to working with your team on our new projects!

KT.Team product ecosystem

Please select your own set of solutions to work with data.


Analysis of processes, data flows, development of an implementation plan based on Pimcore


A platform for exchanging data between systems and services


Manage key business data for consistency and accuracy


Organization and management of the company's digital assets


Centralize product data for different sales channels

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